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Ford announces 2022 Mustang Mach-E prices and features
As Ford’s CEO Jim Farley took to Twitter to announce a three times increase in Mustang Mach-E production, the company also alerted dealers that modest price increases and new packages would be coming for 2022 models. The California Route 1 edition also got a meaningful range bump.
BMW just hit 1 million electrified car sales, targets 2 million full EVs by 2025
BMW has sold its one millionth electrified vehicle (EV) – including purely electric and hybrid vehicles – and plans to reach two million sales of purely electric vehicles by 2025, the German carmaker said earlier this month.

GM to unveil all-electric Silverado at CES in January, confirms 2023 production
The onslaught of pickup trucks powered solely by electrons continues, with General Motors recently confirming its new Silverado EV will enter production sometime in the 2023 calendar year.
Polestar 2 Single Motor achieves 270-mile (435 Km) range, performance upgrade coming for Dual Motor
The EPA has confirmed a 270-mile range for the 2022 Polestar 2 Single Motor, while Polestar prepares a performance upgrade for the Dual Motor version.

Hyundai Ioniq 5 gets impressive EPA range of over 300 miles (475 Km)
Hyundai announced the EPA range of the Ioniq 5 today ahead of its US launch, and it received an impressive 300+ miles.
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