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Tesla Model P Pickup Truck Rendered To Life
The highly anticipated Tesla pickup truck still doesn't exist in official form, but that doesn't prevent us and others from imagining what it might look like.
With the new federal incentive, the total amount allocated could reach up to $ 13,000
The federal government's "zero emission vehicles" (ZEV) incentive, which can reach a maximum of $ 5,000 as of May 1, 2019, is added to that of the Government of Quebec, thereby providing very high eligibility conditions advantageous for consumers. Residents of Quebec will be able to benefit from a total incentive of up to $ 13,000.
Zero-emission vehicles help fight climate change
Transportation is the second largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Canada. This accounts for a quarter of Canada's total GHG emissions and almost half of those emissions come from cars and light trucks. One way that we can reduce the amount of transportation-related GHG emissions is to get more zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) on the road.
Why Tesla's $US 35,000 Model 3 remains an endangered species
The cheapest version of the Model 3 has become part marketing ploy, part afterthought for Tesla.
5 things Canada can do to reduce its carbon emissions
A few weks ago, Canadians discovered the inconvenient truth that this country is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world — and that Canada's North is heating up at nearly three times the rate.
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