2025 Edition Electric & Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Show May 2-3-4 2025
IGA Stadium

Three days opportunity to see, test, analyze and compare

the latest technological innovations in the field of electric mobility.

The MEVS is back in spring at Montreal for the 8th edition

The 7th edition of Montreal Electric Vehicle Show was a huge success!

  • 31,618  attendees visited the sixth edition show!
  • 2,843 road tests were carried out by the 80 cars on place
  • More than 4,000 indoor track tests drives where conducted by attendees using E-bikes, E-scooters, hoverboards...
  • More than 20 conferences
  • 69 automobiles and 23 marks in demonstration
  • Local, national and international media coverage that reached an audience of over 65,279,029 people

Click on this link to view photos, videos and testimonials from the 2023 edition

MEVS Comes to Stade IGA

From May 2 to 4, 2025, Stade IGA will host the Montreal Electric Vehicle Show (MEVS) for the first time. After its early editions at Place Bonaventure, followed by four years at the Olympic Stadium, SVEM is entering a new chapter for its 8th edition.

Presented by Garantie Avantage Plus, in collaboration with NexDrive powered by NAPA and VE Recharge, the event will take place indoors at Stade IGA, right in the heart of Parc Jarry. Inaugurated in 1995, this iconic Montreal sports venue—best known as the home of the National Bank Open—offers a modern, spacious 70,000-square-foot facility, ideally suited for both exhibitors and visitors.

This new venue allows for smoother circulation, better visibility for each booth, and a welcoming, dynamic atmosphere. Its central location makes it easily accessible by metro, bus, train, bike paths, and nearby parking.

And no matter the weather—rain or shine—the event takes place entirely indoors, in a climate-controlled, comfortable setting.

Innovation, vehicle test drives, and exciting discoveries await. Don’t miss this 8th edition of MEVS—more accessible and engaging than ever.

We look forward to seeing you there!


July 11, 2024

The MIAS aquires the MEVS

A major transaction in the mobility sector, the Montreal International Auto Show (MIAS) is proud to announce the acquisition of the Montreal Electric Vehicle Show (MEVS), thereby solidifying its role as a leading promoter of automotive events in Canada. 

While both shows will remain distinct events in the short and medium term, they will benefit from the MIAS’s team of seasoned professionals for unparalleled organization and logistics. This transaction marks 

Read the news

Dates and admission of the show

  • calDates and times
  • Friday, May 2, 2025: 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 3, 2025: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 4, 2025: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • prixAdmission (taxes included)
  • General Admission (13 years and older): $16
  • Children (6 to 12 years): $8
  • Ages 0 to 5: Free
  • placeShow Venue & Location
  • IGA Stadium, Jarry Park
    285 Gary-Carter Street
    Montreal QC H2R 2W1


Click on the map to get the road

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