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2022 Nissan Ariya prototype: First impressions, and 5 things to look forward to
The 2022 Nissan Ariya is due in summer 2021, and last week at a studio in Los Angeles we finally got some face time with the battery-electric SUV in prototype form.
After a long gestation, the Ariya we saw looked ready to burst out of its cocoon. This is not your standard prototype, and what was shown was very, very close to production. Nissan even put an exact number on it: 98% of the prototype will make it to the production model. I tried to figure out what that 2% could be, but nothing on the prototype stood out as being non-production spec.
First things first: It is spelled Ariya, but pronounced “aria” or for Game of Thrones aficionados, like the name of a tiny Stark assassin. Secondly, in person it has some real size to it. Much like the forthcoming Volkswagen ID.4, the Ariya feels like an SUV in stature once you get next to it though it looks more sleek and hatchback-y in images.
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