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SVEM 2019: A great success all the way
Montreal may have had its most beautiful weekend in the spring, the Saturday political demonstrations, the many Roads and Infrastructures Repairs and the warm weather did not melt the enthusiasm of the people of Greater Montreal for electric vehicles. We would rather think that it drove these fans out of their homes and barter the BBQ for a visit to SVEM.
Between Friday 1 P.M. and Sunday 5 P.M., 25 745 people have climbed the steps of Place Bonaventure, an increase of nearly 10% over last year. They came to inquire, see, touch, try cars, bicycles, scooters, go karts and scooters ... all powered by the clean electricity of Quebec.
During the SVEM's 23 hours of operation, the 39 vehicles dedicated to road tests have never stopped circulating on the urban circuit designed for them. The same phenomenon also hit the test track for bicycles, regular and small scooters and many other two-wheeled electric vehicles at the show. Unfortunately, no large enough water basin could accommodate boats and electric surfers on show at the Show...
The visitors' comments were very positive. Among them, Michel David, wrote: "When we left on Friday, we went to Hyundai and bought an IONIQ EV.” A visitor from Sherbrooke, Marthe Lecours, wrote: "On Saturday, we had a great day doing road tests and receiving lots of relevant information. Go for it! "
The exhibitors were also very happy with the crowd's success. Some had to start on Friday afternoon with additional staff because of the affluence that proved to be much higher than the forecasts they had made. Like some people like to say, "it's a nice problem to handle ..."
Several thousand visitors used the free parking service, which was connected to Place Bonaventure by a shuttle system every 20 minutes. This five minutes ride was done with two electric school buses, perfectly clean and in a remarkable engine silence. "Really great service! Thank you Mr. Driver for all the information and your good mood! All shows, exhibitions and downtown activities should offer a similar service, "wrote two enthusiastic users of this unique service at SVEM.
Our next meeting will be in Quebec City on May 24th, 25th and 26th, for the very first SVEQ Show in our national capital (all the details at
As for the 4th edition of the SVEM, it will be held in the spring of 2020, under another roof. Be present at our next two meetings!
And let us please conclude by thanking the exhibitors, their employees, volunteers and most importantly, all the fans who animated by their presence the 160,000 square feet of the SVEM 2019.