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Friday 22 March 2019

Why you won’t want Trudeau’s $5,000 EV rebate

If the current Trudeau regime has proven anything, it’s that the acorn really doesn’t fall far from the tree. Ballooning deficits? Check. Self-centred smugness? Oh, yes! A certain fondness for tossing Alberta’s economy under the bus? It almost seems programmed into their DNA.

But what I like best about the Trudeaus — pere et fils — is how their unbridled totalitarianism manages to engender such interesting, but one assumes unintended, social experiments. The elder, for instance, gave us the only —shades of Trump’s “wall”— peacetime implementation of the War Measures Act,which, for those of us who remember the October Crisis, wounded Canadians’ self-image as the nicest people on Earth. Not to be outdone, Trudeau the younger has blessed us with the Wilson-Raybould debacle,which will tell us, come October this year, whether Canadian voterscare more about virtue signaling — i.e. claiming to be pro-women and indigenous peoples — or actual policy, as in actually being pro women and said indigenous peoples.


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