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Wednesday 13 February 2019

Lightning Shows How New Strike Electric Motorcycle Will Ride

Teasing is part of any marketing process—brands hope that by drop-feeding information to the public, they’ll build enough hype to make their new models a success. Triumph has been a pro at this, especially with the number of teasers it released prior to the launch of the Scrambler 1200.

While some teasers are only pretty to look at, others contain actually interesting information. Lightning Motorcycles hasn’t been shying away from giving us the gravy when it comes to its all-new Strike model. Today, we’re treated to yet another teaser and this time, we get a feel for the ride.

Earlier in January, Lightning Motorcycles unveiled a blacked out image with the headlight design of a new an upcoming model—the Strike. The teaser was also very forward, announcing all the numbers customers are usually interested in: 150 miles ranges, 150 mph top speed, 35-minute fast charge, and a price tag of only $12,998. Lightning is going in for the prize and stepping into Zero territory with a long-range, low-price new model. In comparison, the world’s fastest electric bike, the LS-218, offers a 100-mile range.


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