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Choose A Plug-In Vehicle That Meets Your Needs – 2019 Edition
The brochure’s 2019 edition titled “Choose a Plug-In Vehicle That Meets Your Needs” is now available. The printed version will be available at various test events or shows, such as the recent Montréal Auto Show where several thousand copies were distributed.
Produced by the Innovative Vehicle Institute (IVI), the notebook contains a wealth of information on EV driving and plug-in vehicles offered or soon to be available in Québec. This 4th edition of the document is part of the Running Electric campaign coordinated by Équiterre with the financial support of Transition énergétique Québec.
Here is a summary of what readers will discover in this brochure:
Savings on vehicle operation costs (energy and maintenance);
Benefits of the green plate and financial incentives;
Charging options and charging speed;
Directory of plug-in vehicles available or coming soon (43 models, 21 makes);
Summary table of vehicle data by make.
An electronic version (PDF) can be downloaded here.