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Friday 17 March 2023

The McLaren Artura PHEV at the MEVS

The plug-in hybrid sports car designed and manufactured by the British car manufacturer McLaren will be present on the Protex booth at the Montreal Electric Vehicle Show (MEVS). The Protex company has pulled off a masterstroke by allowing visitors to the MEVS to admire this exclusive exotic car.

H Artura hides a central carbon fiber structure which ensures lightness and rigidity. Added to this is a motorization called M630, combining a 3.0-litre V6 biturbo and an electric motor weighing only 33 kg, wedged between the combustion engine and the new eight-speed sequential gearbox. Note that this gearbox has no reverse gear, this function being assumed by the electric motor which only rotates in reverse. Since it is a rechargeable hybrid, this McLaren is fitted with a 7.4 kWh battery, allowing it to drive around thirty kilometers in 100% electric mode, before starting the V6. The 671 hp of power and 531 lb of torque allow this car to reach 330 km/h.

Another advantage? The fact of being able to obtain a “green plate” with all the privileges that come with it, even if you are driving an exotic car. Because it must be admitted, this car is by no means a compromise.

Let's finish with the bill... A sum that explains the level of exclusivity, especially when you add that damned Canadian luxury tax. We are talking about an amount of $276,900 + $5,424 (transportation and preparation), for a total of $282,324, but finally increased to $310,556. Without options!

Don't miss the opportunity to come and see the McLaren Artura at the MEVS to be held at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal on April 21, 22 and 23.

Click here to book your tickets online now.

Other scoops and novelties will be announced in the coming weeks, we invite you to follow us on our portals and social networks.

To learn more about the unique McLaren Artura PHEV, click on this link.

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